Film Screening: 2040 (2019)
Films & Screenings

Enviro Flick: 2040 (2019)


9.45 am (open to schools & public)
and 6.45 pm


120 minutes


Bunjil Place Studio

2040 (2019) is an innovative film by Damon Gameau that explores what the future would look like in 2040 if we embraced all the current solutions for improving our planet. Come along and watch one of our two special screenings, then stick around and hear from local community groups who are making the change in Casey. #whatsyour2040


2040 (2019) - G

Recommended for all ages, children from Year 5 and above. This is a free screening with unreserved seating, tickets essential.

Brought to Bunjil Place by the City of Casey Sustainability and Waste team. 


All Tickets - FREE

Recommended for all ages, children from Year 5 and above. This is a free screening with unreserved seating, tickets essential.