The Listies make you LOL

The Listies make you LOL


10.30 am and 1.00 pm


55 minutes (no interval)


Bunjil Place Theatre

The Listies Make You LOL is a raucous and unruly stage show guaranteed to have the whole family (even dads) LOLing, ROFLing and ROFLSHALBOWCOing (Rolling On the Floor Laughing So Hard a Little Bit of Wee Came Out).

Jam packed with high brow that kids love, like poo jokes and vomitting, this is an anarchic and interactive show that's sure to disgust. Think The Young Ones hosting Play School.

Check out what else we have planned for our First Birthday!

For general ticketing and box office information (including conditions of sale) see our Ticketing services information page.

For accessibility bookings or other box office inquiries please email or phone 03 9709 9700 between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm (Monday to Saturday).



Free for all.

Tickets available from 2.00 pm Tuesday 2 October. Limit of 4 per family.

Children under the age of two do not require a ticket if they are seated on the lap of their carer.