Luna Mrozik Gawler, TOXX, 2023. Two channel video, 15 minutes. Additional cinematography by Shei Udeagu, Jerome Duval-Fleury
TOXX meditates on the planetary inheritance of industrial residue, traversing territories of toxicity, queer(y)ing the eco-monstrous figure to reckon with the grotesque figurations of ecological presents and the radically alterior futures that might lie beyond. The porous progeny of the Toxicocene find themselves compromised, united in their corporeal contamination across every cell, site, and species. Resisting the urge to withdraw from the disquiet of such intimate incursions, eco-monstrous figures invite a reckoning. An opportunity to turn towards the chimeric forms haunting contemporary myths of ecologic purity or return. TOXX lingers in the disquiet of these post-normal narratives, refusing the convenience of utopic/dystopic binaries in favour of the morphic muck of transition without expectation of arrival.
TOXX is presented as part of the Body-Cities program as curated by Centre Of Projection Art artistic director Priya Namana for FRAME: a biennial of dance 2023, and can be seen on the 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 March, 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm on the Bunjil Place Outdoor Screen.
Luna Mrozik Gawler
Luna Mrozik Gawler is a transdisciplinary artist, working with fugitive and feral narratives to un/remake worlds. Working across diverse mediums and scales, their work favours species, scales and futures beyond the human. Their work has recently programmed or published by: The Australian Network of Art and Technology, The Powerhouse Museum of Art & Science, Platform Arts, The University of Melbourne Centre for Visual Art, Utrecht University, Kings run ARI and The Association for the Study of Literature, Environment & Culture. Luna is one-half of the queer-time lab GEOFADE and a founding member of L&NDLESS collective.

TOXX (2023), Luna Mrozik Gawler. Photo courtesy of the artist_2

Luna Mrozik Gawler